Before I get carried away talking about how insane the show was, I should probably address the support acts. First up was Young Brando, a five piece from the UK only just finding their feet after forming in 2013. Unfortunately, this shows. Their songs are average, their performance was average, they were all round average. Maybe they're just not built for arena shows just yet but as far as I'm aware they've got a lot of work to do to pull in crowds at small venues, let alone a venue the size of The O2. Swiftly after Young Brando's 15 minute set, Danny Jones' sister, Vicky was up. After not quite making it on BBC's The Voice, she's re-branded herself as VIX and was ready with a short set of covers, each of which had a slightly rock 'n' roll edge. As was showcased on The Voice, she can sing, however her choice of song's made her fall short with the crowd at The O2. Saying that, she was a lot better than Young Brando. The final support act was The Three Dudes. Now when I first heard that this was the name of one of the band's supporting McBusted, I cracked up. I didn't know what to expect, other than maybe three teenage boys who think they're awesome, but are actually shit. I was half right. The Three Dudes are a trio of brothers from Sullivan's Island, USA, the oldest of which are twins at just 13 years old! To my surprise, they put on an awesome show. Full of confidence and determination they played and sang like mini rockstars. I was more than impressed and was rather flattered as youngest brother Sam yelled "You London girls are so hot!" Thanks Sam, but I'm a bit too old for you right now. After a pretty good attempt at covering what I thought was the uncoverable 'Ballroom Blitz', the brothers ran and jumped off stage, making way for McBusted.
I think it's appropriate for me to use the acronym OMFG in this review seeing as the McBusted experience involves an OMFG Zone for those lucky enough to be able to afford standing tickets, OMFG tins for those who can be bothered to cue at merch to get some surprise goodies and OMFG shirts because you know, OMFG is a thing. Anyway, OMFG, McBusted were awesome! I was expecting to leave The O2 satisfied, after all, this is a band that I loved when I was 10 and that was 10 years ago now so my expectations were reasonable. I actually left feeling like it was the best thing I had ever been to in all my life. As Matt Willis said on stage "I'm buzzing my tits off"and that's an accurate description of what it feels like to be at a McBusted gig. Opening with a video of 'how McBusted were formed' Matt and James arrived in a Back To The Future-esque car, immediately followed by Danny, Tom and Dougie who jumped from the floor, and of course Harry appeared at his drum kit. Air Hostess began, the crowd screamed and synchronised dancing occurred on the stage. From that moment alone, my departure from £45 was worthwhile. I couldn't possibly sit here and analyse this show song by song because you'd be bored of reading the words awesome and insane again and again so I'll just say it once: their setlist was a compilation of classics each of which was played insanely and awesomely. What I will say though is three things. One: the interlude videos are hilarious. If you miss them you are a fool. They involve a pisstake of UFO witnesses, a pisstake of Tom's wedding speech and a pisstake of the old school TV clown and girl screen. Two: Matt in a wedding dress with Dougie on his back for the whole of Crashed The Wedding made me smile to the point where my jaw was aching. Three: Three giant boobs above the stage for the closing song Year 3000 just reminded me that I will always be the 10 year old me at heart. With constant energy, joking, running around and dancing like they were 10 years old too, McBusted made sure they had just as much fun as the crowd did.
On leaving The O2 I decided I had three choices. I could go home content that I'd finally seen my childhood heroes. I could go to the McBusted gig the following night for an extortionate price, or I could buy a ticket to see them at Hyde Park with Backstreet Boys. Option three it is. Hurry up loan, I NEED TO CONFIRM MY ATTENDANCE OF MCBUSTED AT HYDE PARK.
Oh, and Dougie Poynter is super gorgeous in the flesh too.
Air Hostess
Crash and Burn
BritneyWho's David?
Five Colours In Her Hair
Sleeping With The Light OnStar Girl
Room On The Third Floor
Thunderbirds Are Go
I Want You Back (Jackson 5 cover)
Shine A Light
What I Got to School For
Crashed The WeddingAll About You
Year 3000