The Eurovision song contest makes up three and half hours of some of my favourite TV every year. As sad as it and as ridiculously political as it gets, the contest which this year saw 26 countries from Europe compete with songs written for the sole purpose of being enjoyed by hundreds of millions of viewers worldwide, pleased me immensely. Like every year, this year was no exception to rule that anything goes with a bunch of Polish females essentially masturbating butter creaming sticks, a song about being someones sweet cheesecake and a man in what appeared to be a giant hamster wheel. Of course there are stand out moments, particularly this years winner, the wonderfully sassy Conchita Wurst. But before getting on to Austria's new sweetheart, let's talk about the United Kingdom.
Notoriously unsuccessful for the past 20-odd years, this year we pushed Molly into the limelight to face the inevitably poor score we get from the rest of Europe. Commentator for the UK, Graham Norton, was full of hope for 'Children of the Universe', the song which Molly would perform and to be fair, it does have Eurovision written all over it. It's anthemic, it's got a sing-a-long vibe and it's crap, it's everything you want from a Eurovision song. Nevertheless we still finished on the right of the board with around 40 points. I think it was an improvement from last year which is something!

Now for the real talking point, Conchita Wurst. Ughhhh, Conchita, my love for her has grown a ridiculous amount in the past week since she won Eurovision. Like most of the world, I was initially confused by the gender of Conchita Wurst. Male born, Conchita decided a few years back to respond to earlier experiences and create a drag persona which is what she lives by. In drag, she uses female pronouns, so despite the beard and technicalities, Conchita is all female. Her song 'Rise Like A Phoenix' wasn't a favourite of mine from the night but it does hold a powerful message. Austria's win however was nothing to do with the song, it was to do with giving the middle finger to Russia and other "haters" in the world and saying that different is not bad. An entry with such a message is so important especially in an age where there is still an unacceptable amount of controversy about the LGBT community. Conchita is sassy, beautiful and an empowering figure which all the world should recognise and respect. On receiving her Eurovision trophy she made a statement addressing a future of peace and unity and what a wonderful platform she had to do it. Since last Saturday, the world has not stopped talking about her. After watching her be interviewed by Graham Norton on his weekly chat show, my admiration for her as only grown. "you only have one life and you better make it fabulous" she said when Graham asked her about the beard. And too right. Conchita was a worthy win for Austria and for equality. Let's see what this brings for Eurovision 2015!
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