and video. 'English Kids In America' is the latest offering from the Hertfordhire quartet and if I'm really honest, I'm not a fan. Lower Than Atlantis have become another one of those bands that have had mainstream day time radio play and are now making music to match that rather than the music they were making at the start of their career. Previous single 'Here We Go' was definitely more mainstream than their previous albums but it was catchy and I really liked it. But 'English Kids In America' just seems a bit cheesey and cliched. Apparently written about the first time they went to America, Mike and the boys have created a single which expresses the coolness and excitement and being English kids in America and it just doesn't cut it. They're in danger of losing old and hardened LTA fans and just getting Capital FM teens downloading their music.
The video for the single isn't much more exciting than the single itself. It sees the band performing on a plane, which I'm sure was a eureka moment when it was thought of but in execution, it seems a bit contrived. Parts of the video are also filmed in a home video fashion which is a nice touch. It presents the boys time in America as a document rather than a forced trip just to make the video. But then there's elements like the boys cruising around in a white Lamboughini. Yeah they look cool but really? It's all just a bit typical. Of course, many kids dream of heading to America to have the time of their lives and the video portrays just that. And I'm sure Lower Than Atlantis had an amazing time in America but I just think they couldn't have done anything more obvious. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh. And maybe the song will grow on me but for now it's thumbs down and a sad face for new LTA.
'English Kids in America' is available for preorder now and is due for release on September 21st.
Self-titled album 'Lower Than Atlantis' is due for release on September 29th.
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