Tuesday 2 September 2014

'I Am King' by Code Orange

'I Am King' is the debut album from Code Orange. Well, it's kind of the bands second album seeing as they released an album under their previous name Code Orange Kids. Why the name change? I don't know. Anyway, transition aside, 'I Am King' is a confused offering from a band who are usually on top form. 

The album lacks an identity. It's all kind of muddled riffs and muddy vocals and it just doesn't seem to make sense. Don't get me wrong, it's packed full of hardcore elements as it's loud and fast and heavy and there are moments which shine such as album opener 'I Am King' and closer 'Mercy.' But all in all the experimentation of structure in this record just doesn't make sense. Tracks such as 'Starve' start with a sound that you find enjoyable but then comes in this weird echo of chorus and it just kills the track. Same can be said of the 5 minutes long 'Dreams In Inertia' which should be awesome but instead just lacks everything it needs.

Maybe it's just me. Looking elsewhere, the album has been described as incredible, but I can't hear it. All I can hear is a poor mans Trash Talk and if you're heading for a hardcore sound like theirs, you've got to get it spot on. 2012's 'Love Is Love//Return To Dust' was an album of a band full of energy and promise but 'I Am King' extinguishes the excitement that was left burning within fans after that album and is quite frankly difficult to sit through. Yes, it's supposed to be all noise and abuse and that's something I'm quite often a fan of, but here it's just not working. Code Orange just aren't living up to Code Orange Kids and it sucks.

'I Am King' is available to buy now.

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